Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rottweiler behavior

Rottweiler behavior - First Part

Imagine having a dog that is both powerful and gentle.
Imagine that he is there to protect you but knows when someone is your friend and accepts him.

This would be a dream dog right? Well my friend welcome to the rotties world.

A well trained and balanced rottweiler will protect you from a thief trying to get to your house and at the same time know that someone is your friend because he picks up on your energy toward this person.

That´s a typical rottweiler behavior

We have seen lots of cases where rotties acted this way. That´s the good news.

The bad news is that the media almost only reports the other side of the coin. "rotties biting this" "rottweilers attacking that..." and so on...

To learn how to have a balance rottie you must know how to handle him, respect him and be very very firm.

The results will be priceless...

Have a great time with your best friend
Andy & Dinna

P.S Save upto 50% on your rottie needs. Click here:"

and why not wearing a rottie tshirt? Click here:

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