Monday, October 22, 2007

Vision Test

Yesterday I was reading a magazine which had a very interesting article on how dogs see.

In the past scientists believed that dogs could only see black and white and not the colors.

Now we know that your best friend sees the colors but is not always able to differenciate one from another.

The main difference seems to be between the color red and green. Dogs cannot tell which is which.

On the other hand they can tell the difference between blue and green.

To make the point, the article wants you to make the following test:

1. Take two balls, one red and one blue.
2. Take your rottie on a green surface (like your backyard or garden) holding her on the leash.
3. Have someone throw the two balls at the same time.
4. Let your rottie chase them only once they are about 30 feet away.

Your rottie will most likely follow the blue ball which is easier for her to see.
Try this test, and let us know the outcome.

Have a great day with your best friend,
Andy & Dinna

P.S Get a Halloween gift for your rottie, hop over to, you can even find Halloween customes.....

Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007

The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the article. The information provided 'as is' with all faults and without warranty, expressed or implied. in no event shall the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. The reader should always first consult with an animal professional.
This email is protected by copyright, 2007, Canyon Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Canyon Publications, Inc.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Superior Rottweilers

What exactly are superior rottweilers? Superior rottweilers are the ones that are bred by responsible breeders who take pride in what they do and are concerned with this wonderful breed.

Below you can find some details from the Canadian Rottweiler Breed Standard that can guide you to knowing a little more about what superior rottweilers are:

General Appearance:
The ideal rottweiler is an above medium sized, robust, and powerful dog, balck with clearly difined rich tan markings. His compact build denotes great strenght, agility, and endurance. Malers are acharacteristically larger, heavier boned and more masculine in appearance.

The Rottweiler should possess a fearless expression with a self-assured aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships. He has a strong willingness to work. In examining superior rottweilers one should bear in mind that this dog reacts with alertness to his master and his surroundings, and in performing his function in life, rottweilers are not expected to submit to excessive handling by strangers. However, the judge shall dismiss from the ring any shy or vicious Rottweiler. A dog shall be judged fundamentally shy if, refusing to stand for examination it shrinks away from the judge, if it fears an unexpected approach form the rear, if it shies at a sudden or unusual noises to a marked degree. A dog that attacks or attempts to attack, without provocation, either the judge, or its handler is definitely vicious. An aggressive or belligerent attitude towards other dogs shall not be deemed viciousness.

Dogs24 -27 inches (60 - 68 cms). Bitches 22 - 25 inches (55 - 63 cms)
Proportion should always be considered rather than height alone. The lenght of the body, from the breastbone (sternum) to the rear of edge of the pelvis (ischium) is slightly longer than the height of the dog at the withers, the most desirable proportion being as 10 to 9. Depth of the chest should be fifty percent of the height.

Coat and Colour:
Outer coat is straight, coarse, dense, medium length, lying flat. Undercoat must be present on neck and thights. The Rottweiler should be exhibited in a natural condition without trimming, except to remove whiskers, if desired. The colour is always black with rich tan or mahogany markings. The borderline between the black and the colour should be clearly defined. The markings should be located as follows: a spot over each eye, on cheeks, as a strip around each side of the muzzle, but not on the bridge of the nose; on throat; a proportionate trinagular mark on either side of the breastbone not to exceed 25 per cent of the forechest; on forelegs from carpus downward to toes; on inside of the rear legs showing down the front of the stifle and broadening out to front of rear legs from hock to toes but not eliminating the black from the back of the legs; under tail. Black pensiling markings of the toes. The undercoat is gray or black. Quantity and location of markings are important. Insufficient or excessive markings should be penalized.

So there you have a description of what superior rottweilers should look like.

Ready to go shopping for your rottie? Click Here:

Prevention of bad behavior

My rottie is very friendly inside my house and yard but as soon as I take him on a walk he transforms himself into a beast.

My rottie loves people but he gets crazy when he sees other animals especially dogs.

My rottie hates the mailman and wants to catch him when he drives by with his motorcycle.

These are some of the problems new rottie owners have and can be quite a headache if you don´t deal with them correctly.

The first thing you should do when getting a rottie pup is making a list of what he will be exposed to and then get him used to it from very early on.

Get him to know other dogs during your walks and he won´t react with high aggression when he will be an adult.

Get him to know the mailman as a pup so he won´t think it´s a danger.

What you should not do is for exemple confine your rottie in your yard for the first two years and then take him on a walk thinking he will be just fine with everything.

Got the picture?

Now go have some fun with your best friend.
Andy & Dinna

Ready to go shopping for your
rottie? Click here

Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007
The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the email. The information provided 'as is' with all faults and without warranty, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. The reader should always first consult with an animal professional.
This email is protected by copyright, 2007, Canyon Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Canyon Publications, Inc.

Friday, August 17, 2007

How to deal with the adolescent rottie

Sometimes we receive questions from rottie owners who are worried that their adolescent rotties are too hyper and very difficult to control.

It´s perfectly normal that young rotties have this kind of energy and need some activities to deal with it.

Now if you would like to teach your rottie a trick or any basic command please don´t try to do it when they are in "hyper mode".

Instead play with them some games such as throwing a ball or a frisbee until they are a little tired.

Then and only then start slowly with whatever you want to teach her.

When teaching always be calm, but at the same time using an exciting voice tone when she does the right thing.

If you are having a bad day, are pissed, depressed or on any other kind of negative feeling then wait for it to pass before starting a training session.

Your rottie will pick up your vibe. That´s for sure.

Now go have some fun with your best friend
Andy & Dinna

Rottie Shirts:
Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!

Amazing Rottie Calendars:
Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.
Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.
Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007

The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the article. The information provided 'as is' with all faults and without warranty, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. The reader should always first consult with an animal professional.
This email is protected by copyright, 2007, Canyon Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this article is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Canyon Publications, Inc.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

German Rottweiler Puppies

Some people in the US have asked us about german rottweiler puppies and how they could get one in their area or state

Below you can find some names and addresses of german rottweiler puppies breeders.
As we find out more we will update the info.

So if you are looking for german rottweiler puppies look no further!

German Rottweiler puppies breeders:

Von Ruelman Rottweilers Inc.
Owner / Importer: Bob Bolognesi
Riverside California
Office: (951) 780-7922
Kennel: (951) 780-5579

Adrienne DeHaasM.A., M.F.C.C.17130
Van Buren Blvd. #327
Riverside, California 92504
Call us at:(951)789-0676
24 hour phone/fax machine-or-
(951)544-2098 cellular phone

Rottweiler VKW

Rottie Shirts:
Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!

Amazing Rottie Calendars:
Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.
Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.

Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007

The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the article. The information provided 'as is' with all faults and without warranty, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. The reader should always first consult with an animal professional.
This article is protected by copyright, 2007, Canyon Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Canyon Publications, Inc.

American Rottweilers

The first rottweiler to be registered in the American Kennel Club was in 1930. AKC recognition of the breed was achieved in 1931 with very very few rottweilers in the country.

While the american rottweilers has had five important breed clubs in USA, the American Rottweiler Club founded in 1971 is to be considered the official american rottweilers club.

The other clubs are the Colonial Rottweiler Club, the Medallion Rottweiler Club and the Golden State Rottweiler Club.

During the 1990s american rottweilers have been one of the most popular breed only loosing to labradors.

More than a hundred thousand rotties have been registered during the 1990s.

In recent years because of some bad press these numbers have decreased a little but americans seem to relate a lot to this wonderful breed.


Rottie Shirts:
Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!

Amazing Rottie Calendars:
Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.
Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.

Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007
The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the article. The information provided 'as is' with all faults and without warranty, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. The reader should always first consult with an animal professional.
This article is protected by copyright, 2007, Canyon Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Canyon Publications, Inc.

Adult Rottweiler For Sale

If you are considering to get an adult rottweiler then you should look into some advantages and disadvantages before looking for who has an adult rottweiler for sale.

The well trained adult rottweiler is confident, protective and devoted without beeing too aggressive. If you get an adult rottweiler that has not had some good basic training then you are going to have to do a lot of work simply because the older a dog is the harder it is train him.

As the saying says "you can´t teach an old dog new tricks", the learning ability of an adult Rottweiler is much less powerful than a young one. But still it is not impossible.
However if you can get a well trained adult rottweiler then you can be sure that he will adjust to his new home and make a great pet.

But who exactly has an adult rottweiler for sale?
The general rule for getting an adult rottweiler is the same as getting a puppy, here are some places that you should never get your adult rottweiler for sale from and a place where you can get an adult rottweiler for sale:

1 Pet shop dealer – Run as fast as you can!!!
The first choice which comes into mind to any for adult rottweilers for sale would be a pet shop or a dealer. But here the first choice is not the right choice. As almost all pet shop establishment and dealers consider pet to be business commodities, which has to be traded for making a profit. Adult rottweilers for sale selling at a pet shop or dealer may be poorly bred and raised, remember the objective is to make a profit and nothing else and therefore considered as merchandise to be sold for a great profit margin. This high profit is possible only because pet shop and dealers put little care into these rottweilers. Many of the adult rottweilers for sale selling at pet shops may be suffering from some sort of disease.

2: Backyard breeder – Better but still to avoid!!
A backyard breeder can be classified as the person who owns a pet Rottweiler and thinks it would be "fun" and/or profitable to have puppies or maybe that it would be a great experience for the kids to have rottweiler for sale. The worst underlying motive for such class of breeder in breeding dogs is to make some quick money. Normally this breeder has little or absolutely no technical knowledge about the rottweiler breed and its history and therefore won´t know anything about grooming or care. Backyard breeders almost never x-ray hips of their stock before breeding them.
When they get tired of their dogs they can even put their adult rottweiler for sale showing no mercy and loyalty to these wonderful dogs.

They are more often than not aware of breed problems and often do not care.

3: Hobby breeder - Go for them
The serious and dedicated hobby breeder regards his dogs as just that a hobby. He does not expect a profit. When someone breeds dogs for the enjoyment, pleasure and "thrill" of producing the very finest possible specimens of the breed, rather than for profit, the result is superior quality. These breeders acknowledge responsibility for each and every puppy produced and stand behind every dog they breed. Sometimes these breeders also have adult rottweilers for sale and therefore you will be sure to get a trained rotty with great temper. If you are scheptical then ask the breeder to give you some references from other happy owners, he will surely be happy to do so.


Rottie Shirts:Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!

Amazing Rottie Calendars:Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.

Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007

The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the article. The information provided 'as is' with all faults and without warranty, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. The reader should always first consult with an animal professional.This article is protected by copyright, 2007, Canyon Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Canyon Publications, Inc.

Rottweiler Dogs For Sale

If you are looking for rottweiler dogs for sale we would like to provide you with a list of responsible breeders. We start by mentioning a list of kennels in USA (and one in Canada) who might have rottweiler dogs for sale right now. In the future we will also add international kennels for our international subscribers who are looking for rottweiler dogs for sale.

Here goes the list of the kennels:


Iron Chancellor
Wendi Lewellen
P.O Box 2313
Rocklin, CA 95677
(916) 624-3024

Marlene Lore Keene
Vickie Joy Stansberry
140 Chaucer Drive
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 938-5977

Von Der Westkueste
Angel Abril
P.O Box 2301
Ramona, CA 92065
(760) 788-8333

Von Hapki Rottweilers
2205 Pacific Coast Hwy
Lomita, CA 90717
(626) 388-5453

Cedar Grove Rottweilers
Hornbrook, CA
(530) 475-3317
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 545-3884


Von Singh
Betty Singh
5327 S.E County Road 760
Arcadia, FL 34266
(863) 491-0461


Von Marc Rottweilers
Sharon Maples
P.O. Box 578
Hayden Lake, ID 83835
(208) 762-2336


Peter Prince
La Grange IL
(708) 369-7383

Beverly LeBeau
7N010 Elgin Street
South Elgin, IL 60177
(847) 815-3493


Golt´s Of Winns Hill
Rick & Eddy Golt
RR2, Box 1100 Winns Hill
Sweden, ME 04040
(207) 647-8880


Rott Iron
Karen Hayes
P.O. Box 99
North Billerica, MA 01862
(978) 436-0561


Vom Gruberhaus
Sandy Nekuda
186 Fort Street
Omaha, NE 68110-1281
(402) 455-2653

Vom Vollenhaus
Terri Vollertson
757 North 30th road
Syracuse, NE 68446
(402) 269-2348

New Jersey

Leslie Fried
107 Colony Place
Woolwich Township, NJ 08085
(856) 241-7653

New York

Vom Wesburg Rottweilers
Chris & Pam Scheda
6157 Curriers Road
Arcade, NY 14009
(585) 492-0094

North Carolina

Marge & Comann Gold
562 Goldmoor Drive
Concord, NC 28025
(704) 782-2835


Von Gailingen
Catherine M. Thompson
1579 Rock Bridge Roade SE Waschingotn Court House, OH 43160
(740) 636-0272


Vom Löwenherzig
Samantha & Steven Canuso
103 Timberline Drive
Douglassville, PA 19158
(610) 689-8319


Redwood Krest
Joeri Goedertier
P.O Box 2162
Battle Ground, WA 98604-2162
(360) 687-7180

Don & Pat Rennick
10529 88th Street NE
Lake Stevens, WA 98258
(360) 659-1418


Steinplatz Rottweilers (New Brunswick)
Ruth Hartmann
(506) 763-2414


Rottie Shirts:
Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!

Amazing Rottie Calendars:
Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.
Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.

Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007
The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the article. The information provided 'as is' with all faults and without warranty, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. The reader should always first consult with an animal professional.
This article is protected by copyright, 2007, Canyon Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Canyon Publications, Inc.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Rottweiler for rent

Today´s subject line is rather controversial don´t you think?

We wrote it cause we came across a news article about a pet rental service called Flex Petz currently available in Los Angeles, San Diego and planning to open in New York, San Francisco and London.

The thing looks like a new franchise....

Founder lady Marlena Cervantes likes to call it "shared pet owenership" and not pet rental.
The dogs that are beeing rented or "shared" usually come from humane societies and are beeing taken care by Marlena which provides food, shelter and vet care.

While we find that it´s great to take care or adopt a dog, it could be confusing if it´s constantly beeing handled by new people.

Imagine a rotty with his strong, dominant behaviour not knowing who his boss is...
hmmm not a good idea me thinks.

On the other hand, we approve rottie owners who spend some time with elderly people who are alone as well as orphan children and so on.

There are actually quite a few rotties who are doing this kind of therapy and love it. That´s the sweet side of the breed.

If you´d like to check the full story of the pet rental thing here is the link:

Now go have a stroll with your rottie.

All the best,
Andy & Dinna

Rottie Shirts:
Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!

Amazing Rottie Calendars:
Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.
Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.

Stop feeding your rottie dead animals from the zoo. Find out about this on

Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007
The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the article. The information provided 'as is' with all faults and without warranty, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. The reader should always first consult with an animal professional.
This article is protected by copyright, 2007, Canyon Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Canyon Publications, Inc.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Say goodbye to Jack

Today´s message is a tribute to a great dog named Jack who was a beautiful black Labrador that burrowed through smoking debris after Sept. 11 and flooded rubble after Hurricane Katrina in search of survivors.

Unfortunately Jack has died of cancer. He was 12 years old.

It appears that now people are debating wheater he had gotten sick of if he hadn´t been exposed to the toxic air of the Word Trade Center.

Other people say cancer in dogs at that age is common.


Yes cancer is common and is the number one cause of dog death, also in rotties.
However did you know that 40 years ago cancer wasn´t the number one cause?

We wonder why............

Can you say....................preservatives in pet food??

Cancer is common in dogs that age yes but it shouldn´t.

Anyway, thanks again Jack for beeing so brave and helping human kind, may your spirit rest in peace.

All the best to you and your rottie.
Andy & Dinna

P.S Oh by the way, here is the link for the full article about Jack

Amazing Rottie Calendars:
Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.
Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.

Rottie Shirts:
Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!

Stop feeding your rottie dead animals from the zoo. Find out about this on

Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007
The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the email. The information provided 'as is' with all faults and without warranty, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. The reader should always first consult with an animal professional.
This email is protected by copyright, 2007, Canyon Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Canyon Publications, Inc.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

American Pitbulls fight update

The other day we sent you an email about the famous football player involved in the american Pitbulls fight biz.

Now we are sending you a link where you can find out more about it and help fighting this sick business.

Here it goes:

And now a happy story of how a small Chihuahua saved the life of a 1 year old boy.

The little boy was playing in the backyard when he was approached by a rattle snake who was getting ready to bite him.
Zoey (the Chihuahua) stepped in the middle between the baby and the snake and took the bites saving the boy.

Luckily Zoey survived after a trip to the local vet.
To get the full story go to:

Now go have some fun with your rottie.
Andy & Dinna

Amazing Rottie Calendars:
Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.
Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.

Rottie Shirts:
Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!

Stop feeding your rottie dead animals from the zoo. Find out about this on

Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007
The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the email. The information provided 'as is' with all faults and without warranty, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. The reader should always first consult with an animal professional.
This article is protected by copyright, 2007, Canyon Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this article is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Canyon Publications, Inc.

My Rottie wakes me up

Was walking the streets the other day and started talking with a lady that owns a shoe shop nearby where I live.

This lady happens to own a male rottie who lives with her and her son in an apartment.
We both agreed that rotties should not live in an apartment but she told me that she is so in love with him that cannot give him away.

This lady works on alternate days in the shop and when she does not open it in the morning her son will.

One morning, when it wasn´t her turn, her rottie entered the bedroom and gave her a big kiss on the face just as if he was saying "hey, wake up it´s time to go to work!!".
This is just an exemple of how intelligent these beautiful breed is.

Have a great day.

Andy & Dinna
P.S The lady also told me that once she brought her rottie in the shoe store where he immediately guarded the property and would´t let any customer in.....
Not a good biz decision but proof of the guardian insticts...

Amazing Rottie Calendars:
Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.
Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.

Rottie Shirts:
Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!

Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007
The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the article. The information provided 'as is' with all faults and without warranty, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. The reader should always first consult with an animal professional.
This email is protected by copyright, 2007, Canyon Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this article is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Canyon Publications, Inc.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

American Pitbulls

Just finished watching 360 on CNN and must admit I was shocked by a report on Pitbull fights.
It appears that a known football player is involved in the Pitbull figths biz.

54 Pits were found and all were trained for fighting purposes. Those who would not show any fighting spirit were killed because they would´n be helpful.

The fights were usually watched by more than 40 people and the bets starting at USD 5000
Whoever imagines that in their community this does not happen think again. It may be much closer than you think!

Especially in innercities it is very common to find the fights which are considered to be an entertainment. (sick entertainment I might add)

I am sure that in some cases although not as much as with Pits, rottweilers are also used for these fights.

If you ever hear about some of this underground fights make sure to report them to your local authorities so we can make an effort to stop it.

Take care
Andy & Dinna

Amazing Rottie Calendars:
Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.
Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.

Rottie Shirts:
Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!

Stop feeding your rottie dead animals from the zoo. Find out about this on

Monday, July 16, 2007

Feeding the right food

As you know from pasts newsletters we firmly believe in home made cooking for your rottweiler rather than feeding dog packaged food which is usually loaded with all kinds of crap including chemicals, preservatives and so on.

Just remember the last great pet food recall and you know what we are talking about.
Now let´s say that you decided to incorporate home made food into your rottie´s diet, well great but there are some guidelines that you should follow.

As per Andrew Lewis book ( ) you want to make sure that you provide all the nutritional blocks that keep your rottie healthy.

This foods include animal protein combined with vegetables, pasta, rice, cereals and other foods that give the right combination of protein, carbs, fats and vitamins.

Generally meets that are lower in calories such as turkey, chicken (remember no bones) and lamb are better and so is salmon for fish. (great omega 3 source).
Good vegetables include carrots, broccoli and leafy greens.

For carbs you can use pasta (with some sauce will keep your rottie more motivated to eat it..), rice, oatmeal.

Finally you can also feed fresh fruit such as banans, apples, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.

Some human diet foods you want to absolutely avoid to feed your best friend include:
Chocolate, pastries, bread (especially white) as well as others that are listed in the book.

Remember, cooking will take more time than feeding packaged food but ultimately will be better for your rottie and save you some trips to the vet along the way.

Have a gread day.
Andy & Dinna

Amazing Rottie Calendars:
Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.
Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.

Rottie Shirts:
Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!
Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007

The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the article. The information provided 'as is' with all faults and without warranty, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. The reader should always first consult with an animal professional.
This article is protected by copyright, 2007, Canyon Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Canyon Publications, Inc.

Friday, July 13, 2007

No Heat Cycle

What happens if your female rottie does not have a heat cycle every 6 to 7 months?

One of the main causes is a fancy word named hypoestrinism which is an estrogen deficiency.
In other words your rottie does not have any ovulatory secretion or only partial and the heat cycle does not appear.

Usually the health of your dog is not affected by this condition however, if you would like her to have puppies you should talk to your vet and consider hormonal treatment.
Another possibility is that your rottie is in her heat cycle but does not show any visible signs of it (bleeding/swelling of the vulva).

Your only guess is to watch if there is an increased interest of the male dog population around your yard.........

Some vets argue that if you have a female rottie (valid for other breeds as well) and you don´t want her to have puppies after 4 years or so, then you should seriously consider to spay her because according to them it is not normal to have soo many heat cycles and not getting pregnant.

Complications might include hormonal imbalances and pyometra which is a potentially deadly infection of the uterus.

Have a great day with your best friend!!!
All the best,
Andy & Dinna

Amazing Rottie Calendars:
Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.
Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.

Rottie Shirts:
Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!

Did you know that you might be feeding your dog poison? go to and find out why.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The rut and heat cycle

Today´s message will be of special interest to all the owners of a female rottie.
The rut is the period in which the female rottie reaches sexual maturity and starts producing fertile eggs.
It usually starts between seven and ten months.
During this period your female starts to bleed until 10 to 12 days. Another sign is the swelling of the vulva.
Important fact: during the first 8 days the female rottie will usually not accept a male partner.
Important fact 2: You should never let the coupling happen during her first heat cycle. Start from the second or even better the third. This will ensure that your dog has reached full maturity. (not just sexual....)
After 8 to 10 days the bleeding will stop and a white secretion will appear. This is the time when the ovules are produced and when she will accept the male.
The ideal period for reproduction will last about 4 to 6 days after the appearance of the white secretion.
In the next issue we will take a look as to why sometimes there is no heat cycle.
Meanwhile, to all of you living in the US we wish you Happy 4th of July.
Andy & Dinna
Amazing Rottie Calendars:
Each month features a spectacular picture that is absolutely jaw dropping.
Surround yourself with these beautiful rotty pictures and increase that special bond with this lovely breed.
Rottie Shirts:
Just slip one of these on and be recognized as a true rotty lover. Everybody will know that you own a rotty and nobody will be crazy enough to mess with you. Talk about creative self defense!
Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007

Rottweiler Kennels


If you are looking for responsible rottweiler kennels we want to provide you a list. We start by mentioning a list of rottweiler kennels in USA (and one in Canada). In the future we will also add international rottweiler kennels for our international subscribers.

Here goes the list of rottweiler kennels:


Iron Chancellor
Wendi Lewellen
P.O Box 2313
Rocklin, CA 95677
(916) 624-3024

Marlene Lore Keene
Vickie Joy Stansberry
140 Chaucer Drive
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 938-5977

Von Der Westkueste
Angel Abril
P.O Box 2301
Ramona, CA 92065
(760) 788-8333

Von Hapki Rottweilers
2205 Pacific Coast Hwy
Lomita, CA 90717
(626) 388-5453

Cedar Grove Rottweilers
Hornbrook, CA
(530) 475-3317
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 545-3884


Von Singh
Betty Singh
5327 S.E County Road 760
Arcadia, FL 34266
(863) 491-0461


Von Marc Rottweilers
Sharon Maples
P.O. Box 578
Hayden Lake, ID 83835
(208) 762-2336


Peter Prince
La Grange IL
(708) 369-7383

Beverly LeBeau
7N010 Elgin Street
South Elgin, IL 60177
(847) 815-3493


Golt´s Of Winns Hill
Rick & Eddy Golt
RR2, Box 1100 Winns Hill
Sweden, ME 04040
(207) 647-8880


Rott Iron
Karen Hayes
P.O. Box 99
North Billerica, MA 01862
(978) 436-0561


Vom Gruberhaus
Sandy Nekuda
186 Fort Street
Omaha, NE 68110-1281
(402) 455-2653

Vom Vollenhaus
Terri Vollertson
757 North 30th road
Syracuse, NE 68446
(402) 269-2348

New Jersey

Leslie Fried
107 Colony Place
Woolwich Township, NJ 08085
(856) 241-7653

New York

Vom Wesburg Rottweilers
Chris & Pam Scheda
6157 Curriers Road
Arcade, NY 14009
(585) 492-0094

North Carolina

Marge & Comann Gold
562 Goldmoor Drive
Concord, NC 28025
(704) 782-2835


Von Gailingen
Catherine M. Thompson
1579 Rock Bridge Roade SE Waschingotn Court House, OH 43160
(740) 636-0272


Vom Löwenherzig
Samantha & Steven Canuso
103 Timberline Drive
Douglassville, PA 19158
(610) 689-8319


Redwood Krest
Joeri Goedertier
P.O Box 2162
Battle Ground, WA 98604-2162
(360) 687-7180

Don & Pat Rennick
10529 88th Street NE
Lake Stevens, WA 98258
(360) 659-1418


Steinplatz Rottweilers (New Brunswick)
Ruth Hartmann
(506) 763-2414


Rottie Calendars? Go to

Rottie Tshirts? Go to



As you know some countries and/or some states have very strict policies
about large guard dogs which include rottweilers as well. They are concerned
about rottweiler fighting and human aggressive rottweilers.

This situation occurs because a small amount of irresponsible owners do not
care enough about rotties that they let them escape from their property and
since sometimes the dog is not used to strangers it will scare or worse bite
some of the people or animals that cross its way during the stroll and
therefore beeing labeled as human aggressive rottweilers.

One of the rules which is imposed by the authorities is that you should put
a muzzle when walking your rotty.

Now we are not going to debate here wheather or not this is the right
solution, instead we would like you to check out what a guy from Switzerland
has invented as a muzzle alternative.

This brilliant guy came up with a denture for dogs that lessens the biting
power so that if you were bitten the damage would be minimal.

He calls his invention "anti biting mask" and it comes in many different

Nobody knows if the authorities will permit the use of this mask as an
alternative to the muzzle however we think that this is a nice discovery.

You can check out the article at the following link. It´s from an Italian
newspaper. We have not seen it written in english language, however check
out the pictures as the inventor is demonstrating the product on a

Now go have some fun with your best friend and stop worrying about human
aggressive rottweilers.

Andy & Dinna

Rottie Calendars? Go to

Rottie Tshirts? Go to

Copyright, Canyon Publications , Inc 2007